Empowering Individuals, Supporting Families, Strengthening Durham Region for more than 50 years.

Standing Together Against Anti-Black Racism, Anti-Asian Racism and Anti-Indigenous Racism and Committing To Social Change

Furthermore, as a Durham Region Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community of Practice (DEI CoP) member, CDCD stands in solidarity with other local agencies. Read our commitment statements here

Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacter: COFRD – Conseil des Organisme Francophones de la Région de Durham

If you wish to access French language training and/or French settlement services, please contact: COFRD – Conseil des Organisme Francophones de la Région de Durham

OESP Clinic

CDCD Housing is offering the Ontario Energy Support Program (OESP) to low-income families in Ajax and Pickering. This program provides a monthly rebate on your hydro bill through manual income verification. If you’re eligible, you can receive assistance in reducing your energy costs.

The service is available by appointment only, so be sure to schedule a time to apply!

Newcomer Mental Health Services

We can provide immediate mental health support and guidance in a safe and confidential environment including ages 13+.

For more information or to book an appointment with a Mental Health Settlement Worker, please call: 905-686-2661 Ext. 200 or 647-925-8929.

Download a copy of the flyer here.

Newcomer Wellness Durham

Wellness checks and workshops for immigrants and newcomers.

Newcomer Youth Services

Open to all youth aged 14-29 who identify as a newcomer to Canada. Services provide a variety of free activities including:

  • Recreational and fitness activities
  • Leadership and life-skills
  • Education and employment
  • Health and wellness support
  • Volunteer support and community engagement
  • Information, resources and referrals

Click here for more information.

Newcomer Women’s Entrepreneurship Program.

Are you new to Canada and want to start your own business? We are offering an Entrepreneurship Program for all newcomer women in the Durham Region.

Click here for more information.

Diverse group of women

Durham Living Wage
The Living Wage in Durham is part of a greater movement across Canada which calculates what it takes for a family or an individual to earn a decent living.

Click here to learn more about the Durham Living Wage.

Diverse Group of Business People

Durham COVID-19 Non-Profit Response

A project intended to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Durham Region’s Non-Profit sector, and how we can collectively plan for the future.

Point-in-Time Report 2021

Measuring the scope and nature of homelessness in Durham Region.

A diverse group of people listen intently as a man speaks.

English Conversation Circles – Oshawa

March 24 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The English Conversation Circles are organized weekly both in person and virtually.

Practice English, meet new friends and learn about your community! All in-person sessions are drop in. Register to receive the Zoom link for online sessions.


Youth English Conversation Circles

Youth English Conversation Circles

March 24 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Are you a Newcomer Youth ages 14 – 29? Join our Youth Conversation Circle Today!

Improve your English vocabulary skills.

Receive wellness tips and ongoing support.

Build your social network!

A diverse group of people listen intently as a man speaks.

English Conversation Circles – Pickering

March 24 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The English Conversation Circles are organized weekly both in person and virtually.

Practice English, meet new friends and learn about your community! All in-person sessions are drop in. Register to receive the Zoom link for online sessions.

Back view of female speaking on team video call with diverse people, engaged in online group conversation.

The English Conversation Circles are organized weekly both in person and virtually.

Practice English, meet new friends and learn about your community! Register to receive the Zoom link for online sessions.

How We’ve Helped In 2023

Individuals Engaged in Ajax Welcome Centre-Led Initiatives
Educational Sessions – Community Development
Community Connections Group Activities
Clients Served – Orientation Program
Service Engagements – Settlement Workers in Schools Program
Clients Served – Newcomer Settlement Program
Financial Assistance -HSP & LEAP Program
Government Tax Benefits received through Newcomer Tax Clinic

Community Development & Research

CDCD strives to ensure that all members of the community are appropriately and equitably engaged in the social, cultural, economic and political life of our community.

Housing Help Durham

We prevent homelessness by helping Durham residents to find and/or maintain their housing.

Settlement Services

Our goal is to help newcomers fully engage in all aspects of Canadian life, social, economic, political and cultural, and to maximize the benefits of their participation and contribution to Canadian society.

SWIS Program

Connecting newly arrived families to services, resources in the school and the community in order to promote settlement and foster student achievement.

Who we are

Our vision, mission and guiding principles.